Understand your animal better with
Animal Communication

Animal Communication has fascinated me for quite a long time before I felt the call to look deeper into it. I have always been impressed by people, who could connect with animals on such a level and really talk to them. But could I really talk to animals just by looking at a photo, too?

In 2022, I was willing to find out. I attended trainings with different teachers and quickly was fascinated by the connection that can built up in this energetically space, allowing us to understand our animals and pets better. It has been an intense journey into trusting myself, clearing my mind from my own beliefs for me. Now I just love to help you and your animal understanding each other better.

Animal Communication allows you to connect to your animal and pet
Animal Communication allows you to connect to your animal and pet

Quantum physics shows us, what a lot of traditional cultures have already known since centuries: everything and everyone is connected via a universal energetic field. This connection explains, why it is possible to talk to your animal telepathically, even when it is in another time zone or has left its physical body. At the end, we are all energetically beings, we are all formed out of different types of Qi, as the Chinese would say. This is why I personally believe that everyone, you as well as myself, is able to communicate with animals. However, I know from my own journey that it can be difficult to differentiate between your own thoughts, words, pictures and the ones actually coming from your animal.

How does Animal Communication work?

Whom can you talk to?

The quantum physic space allows us to connect to all beings. I have had wonderful conversations with dogs, horses and cats, who wanted to teach me before I could ask anything. I talked to dormouse, who bothered a client living in their loft, ants and mice who wanted to live in our house or snails who started to feed on my young flower seedlings. I talked to crows, deer, elephants, herbs and trees. As I have found my way into the soul to soul communication, I would say I can pretty much talk to most beings on this planet, that want to. Even animals that have passed away.

Talking to your animal and pet

All I need from you to contact your animal is a picture, his/her name and age. You can whether send me questions or simply describe the problem or situation, about which you want me to talk with him/her.

After preparing myself to connect to your animal, I will meet him/her in on the soul level. In this safe and sheltered space, I am able to receive answers, can address topics that are important to you. I also like to give your animal space to express what it wants to share, should it want to do that.

After each animal communication, you receive a written PDF form about the chat, I had with your animal. As I know that Animal Communication can be very emotional for you and you will likely have some questions, we will stay in contact after each session until they are answered.

Communicating with a dog friend
Communicating with a dog friend

Small Connection

Send me up to 5 questions, you would like me to clarify with your animal. This package is for you, if you are just curious about every day situations with your animal. E.g. if you wonder whether he/she is happy with you, likes his food or has any specific wish. You might also book this package as a follow up session after a "Deeper Connection" exchange.

For any type of health or behavioural topics, I kindly ask you to book the "Deeper Connection" package as I know from experience, that those exchanges will take longer and I want to be able to make sure that your animal has the time and space to settle in with me and share whatever is on his/her chest.

90 €

Animal Communication with wild animals like chipmunks
Animal Communication with wild animals like chipmunks
Talking to horses via Animal Communication
Talking to horses via Animal Communication

Deeper Connection

You would like me to connect to your animal because it has been showing a specific behaviour, suffers from an imbalance or seems to be bothered by something that you cannot figure out? Or simply have more than 5 questions to ask?

Then this is your package. Depending on what comes up during our conversation, I take the time to help your animal the best I can in this energetically space, for example giving him/her the space to share a traumatic experience or find out what is behind a certain feeling.

120 €

Extended Connection

You think two exchanges will be required, because you might have follow up questions?
Then safe some money by booking this package. It can make sense if you move stables and want me to talk to your horse before and after the move. Or if you go on holidays, so I can talk to him/her before you leave and while you are away. This package also gives you the flexibility to clarify further questions or topics, that might come up after the first exchange and save some money.

Please note that the Follow up Talk needs to be assigned within 6 weeks after the first Animal Communication by you. I will not send you any reminder and the price will not be refunded if you do not contact me in time.

180 €

Here's what our clients say

"I have to admit that the Animal Communication with Alware really shocked me. I definitely did not expect that. However, it explains a lot of her behaviour. Her mom is still alive and still has a foal every year🙈 I suppose she wasn't able to share a lot of love with foals in general!!!"

Sabine, Horsemom

"Hello Mrs. Feldkamp,

my dog's squeaking is much better currently, because the Animal Communication results helped me to adapt my behaviour in certain situations. Thanks again!"

C.'s dog mom

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