About Me

Hi, my name is Antonia and I'm happy to meet you. Originally from Sourhern Germany, I meanwhile live in New Brunswick, Canada. Growing up with horses and dogs, I very early developed a passion for herbs, healthy nutrition and meditation. Over the years, I realised that everything I do around my own balance as well as my work has one common theme: Reconnection to earth, body and spirit.

My personal journey back into the connection with myself began after a relationship ended in my early twenties, leading me to the question "who am I and what life do I want to do with my life?"
Seeking the answer to this question set me up for an intense pathway, still leading me deeper and deeper into my inner microcosmos, understanding my emotions, fundamental needs, dreams, fears and desires better and better. Along the path, I have met great fellow seekers, teachers, learned to listen to my body's wisdom as well as to the sharing of animals, plants and nature.

As it naturally happens, once your inside begins to shift, your life around you follows.

I grew from a standard English rider without a deeper understanding of horses into someone who is able to listen to them, began to see the teachings of animals, trees and plants. I began to use herbs and food for ours dogs as a natural way to maintain their wellbeing. And I began to question, if the job in the Human Resources Department of Mercedes-Benz, that had served me well for many years, still was, where I want to be. In 2019, I put all my fears aside and followed my heart. I quit and began to study Traditional Chinese Medicine for animals and pets, combining two things I have always loved. Eventually, the road led me to Shamanism, Animal Communication, Chinese Herbs, Mushrooms, Classical Chinese Medicine and now to Modern Day Alchemy.

During all this time, I more and more reconnected with myself and stripped off many masks, I had been wearing, discovering my authentic self. Whether I acupuncture your animal, recommend a tea, talk to your animal or teach - for me, it all seems to deepen the connection between me and my personal Tao.

I love our earth and I wish more humans would be kinder to it. Would remember the ways of embracing her wonders, being grateful for her gifts and honouring her beauty. I also experience often, what a powerful guide to emotional, physical and psychic balance nature can be. Both are the reasons why I want to help rebuilding the connection, we humans naturally have with animals, plants, trees and natural habitats. And your animal can be a powerful guide on this journey.

All this is why I created New Shen Reconnection as a place for you to help you find your own way of reconnection with your body, your animal, your pet, trees, wildlife and nature.

New Shen Reconnection

Over the years of offering Acupuncture and Animal Communication, I've seen that you as your animal's human partner and he/she are deeper connected than you likely think. Often, animals carry emotions or physical dysbalance together with you. Or they want to make you aware of something you are shutting away, because you don't want to feel or see it. So sometimes, in order help your animal back into his/her natural balance, the best help you can provide to your horse, dog, cat or any other animal, is to be honest with yourself. And open up towards what wants to be seen and transformed.

This is why New Shen Reconnection is not only a space to find support for your animal, but also for you.

I personally think, that listening to your body is a great way to start this, as years ago OSHO®'s "Remembering Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind" together with a holistic nutritionist training has been my personal starting point for my own journey of reconnection. This is why I invite you to explore my offers on meditation, my blog and my Instagram, where I share input for you and your animal about herbs, food, animal communication, acupressure points, mushrooms and the psychological aspect of the Five Elements. In order to help you find your personal toolkit, to connect with yourself as well as with your animal/pet.

Why the name "New Shen Reconnection?" - well, read about it in the blog.

Laser Acupuncture of a dog
Laser Acupuncture of a dog

Chinese Medicine

Chinese Herbs and TCM Nutrition
Chinese Herbs and TCM Nutrition

TCM Herbs, Nutrition & Meditation

Frisian mare with her human friend after acupressure for horses
Frisian mare with her human friend after acupressure for horses

Animal Communication

Where did I learn?


TCVM Acupuncture for Horses and Pets with Dr. Vera Vetter and Martina Kräcker

Sarah Mergen Tiertherapie

Traditional Horse Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Tongue Diagnosis, Bi-Syndroms, TCM-Type and more

EC Academy

Acupuncture of the Middle with Dr. Are Thorensen and Mareike Lauber

Talgrass North America

Basis Training in Tui Na Massage


Psychology of the Five Elements, Kineosology with Guido Hönig

A New Possibility

Kunlun Mountain and the Spirits of the Five Elements & 2024 Mentorship with Lorie Eve Dechard

Stephanie Nosco

Qi Gong & Yin Yoga around the Five Spirits of the Five Elements

Sarah Mergen Tiertherapie

Basic Training in Chinese Herbs with Guido Hönig, Healing Mushrooms for Animals in TCM with Kirsten Händel

Florian Ploberger

How to use Western Herbs within TCM, TCM House Apothecary

Myko Vital

Healing Mushrooms for animals

Holistic Health Adviser

Academy for Natural Health (Akademie der Naturheilkunde), Switzerland

Animal Talk

Animal Communication Training with Katharina Gard

Frag Dein Pferd

Energetical healing for animals with Lisa Huck

Fauna Speak

Basic Training in Animal Communication, Animal Communication Round Tables and Interspecies Round Tables with Kirsten Houser

Edible Mushrooms

Studying Mushrooms in New Brunswick and Germany with Jessica Gauvin

Remembering Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind

official facilitator for OSHO®'s meditative therapy, trained by Vatayana

Contact Me