Understand your Animal

You simply don't understand your animal's or pet's behaviour?
It shows symptoms which simply don't go away?

Then be very welcome
to New Shen Reconnection!

My name is Antonia and I help you to figure out what is going on with your animal or pet, considering his/her psychosomatic well being.

Connection between a horse, a dog and a woman
Connection between a horse, a dog and a woman

Combining the knowledge of Chinese Medicine with the insights from Animal Communication

Acupuncturist acupunctures a horse with a acupuncture needleAcupuncturist acupunctures a horse with a acupuncture needle

I create a safe space for your animal or pet, in which it can open up to its psychosomatic issues that may be the underlaying cause of his or her symptoms or behaviour. I will also show you how you can support your friend yourself.

Animal communication between a woman and a Great DaneAnimal communication between a woman and a Great Dane

Building a bridge between you and your animal or pet with Animal Communication

Me talking to your animal or pet may help you to understand him or her better - and the other way around. Animal Communication can also help to figure out what is the underlaying course of a certain behaviour or symptoms.

Meditation in sunset to connect with inner microcosmosMeditation in sunset to connect with inner microcosmos

Sometimes, the best thing to support your animal or pet is to take care of yourself. Why? Read here why your inner balance is so important for your animal.

You run a shelter for rescue animals and are interested in any of my services?

Please contact me! I know that cost pressure is tight for many shelters, despite the fact that animals in such places can benefit highly from acupuncture, animal communication or acupressure. This is why I will do what I can to support you for free or at low cost.

TCM Animal Acupuncture explained in TCM coaching TCM Animal Acupuncture explained in TCM coaching

Then take a look at my coaching and dive into the world of Wu Shen and Co.

Chinese Medicine for Dogs showing a rescue dog
Chinese Medicine for Dogs showing a rescue dog

For you

rose as an example for herbal remedy in East and West
rose as an example for herbal remedy in East and West
Blog about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Animal Communication and Animals
Blog about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Animal Communication and Animals

New Shen Reconnection Blog

This is a place where I share stories, experiences, facts and old teachings.

New Shen Reconnection Shop

Find eBooks, courses and more, including some free resources. I'm currently working on products, so the shop will be available soon.


Find my recommendations for books, courses and where to buy supplements here.

Here's what my clients say

"Sheila has been fed Xiao Tao San for 1 1/2 weeks now and I am amazed to feel how soft her muscles have gotten, despite her being out on the field 24/7. No flatulences at all. Surely, the movement helps, too, but despite the stress of a new horse, which is introduced into her herd, she's coming out of her shell now! I believe, that's the work of the herbs. "

Miriam, Horsemom

"My mare has always benefited greatly from acupuncture, she relaxes and helped to stabilise her circulation and metabolism.

The Animal Communication, Antonia did with her, showed me many things and lead to a better understanding of her current situation, which was really stressful for both of us. Thank you for your support❤️🐎"

Nadia, Horsemom

"The coaching with Antonia really helps me a lot every time. She takes a lot of time to answer questions and makes a point that you understand her sharing. In addition, each time I talk to her, I get new ideas. She guides you to look at TCM questions and topics from a different perspective to achieve the target."

Miriam, TCM Practitioner for Animals