New Shen Coaching

In 2022, Mareike from EC Academy approached me to support her and her colleagues in their TCM Acupuncture Training for Animals. Even though, I was a bit sceptical at first, I quickly figured that I love sharing my knowledge and experience.

Actually, my former job at Mercedes prepared me well for on site as well as for online trainings as it has been part of it for years. Next to being part of the Acupuncture Training Team, you can also find some online trainings with me in ECAcademy's Medial Library. Topics range from a refresher course in TCM diagnosis to a basic training for TCM Herbs, including formulas with Chinese and Western Herbs. More will follow, so if you are interested I invite you stay in touch on Instagram or in my blog.

TCM for Animal Coaching and teaching
TCM for Animal Coaching and teaching

Deepen your understanding about emotions in Chinese Medicine and the Wu Shen

Studying Taoism, learning about Alchemical Healing from my teachers Lorie and Benjamin has been proofed to be a great add on to my work as an Animal Communicator and TCM practitioner for animals. This unique combination allows me to understand psycho emotional struggles of our animal clients better than when I first started to simply practise according to TCM principles. It allows me to dress behavioural or physical topics on a deeper level, leading to more sufficient and sustainable results than before.

If you want to learn how to support your clients from the spiritual and/or emotional level, too, I am happy to share my experience and knowledge with you in a 1:1 or group coaching.

Please note that the coaching sessions are not meant to replace a proper TCM Training by one of the Schools offering them. Rather, it is meant to be an additional offer to help you grow into your role as a Chinese Practitioner for Animals once you are in the middle of an official training or have completed one.

dog listening to me explaining TCM
dog listening to me explaining TCM

You have specific questions, want a quick introduction into the Wu Shen or want to discuss one to two cases?

Booking the One Time Coaching we will discuss your topic(s) for approximately 90 minutes in an online meeting. Afterwards, you receive all shared materials via PDF.

150 €

1:1 New Shen Coaching

If you are interested in a coaching, please feel free to contact me for a free introduction call, in which we can both find out if we want to work together. We can also use this exchange to discuss possible coaching topics. All coaching sessions will be online.

Whether you decide to book a coaching directly or reach out for an introduction call: please let me know why you are interested in a coaching when contacting me. This way, I am able to prepare your session exactly to your needs and it safes us time during the calls.

Chinese Medicine Coaching for animal therapists

1:1 New Shen Coaching Intensive

You feel like you need support for a longer period of time? Or simply want to learn the ways of the Five Spirits and psycho-emotional acupuncture more detailed?

Then let's take four weeks to do so. We will meet for 4 calls online (60 to 90 minutes) and I am available via What's App, Email or Telegram for your questions. You will receive the material, I might be using during the calls, as a PDF.

650 €

TCM Acupressure for dogs and horses
TCM Acupressure for dogs and horses

New Shen Group Coaching

You and up to 5 fellow students or colleagues are interested to learn more about psycho-somatic treatments for animals?

Share the costs and benefit from each other's questions, cases and group discussions that we will look at for about 120 minutes. You will all receive the discussed material afterwards and should you want further support, we can go from there.

225 €

Meridians and Channels on animals explained
Meridians and Channels on animals explained
Here's what my clients say

"I have studied TCM for a while now and only after listening to your explanation of the Five Elements and what TCM actually is about, I start to really understand it! Makes so much more sense now!!"

T., TCM student for animals

"Thank you so much for explaining this coughing topic again. Finally, I think I got it."

Jana, Osteopath & Acupuncturist for Horses and Dogs

Contact Me