How do animal communication & acupuncture work together?

Read about Sammy, a rescue dog, who showed me how well animal communication can lay the base for an acupuncture session.


Antonia Feldkamp

1/20/20243 min read

Will a super scared and traumatised rescue dog allow me to support him with acupuncture?

Shortly after I started with animal communication, I was asked by the Animal Rescue Shelter in Radolfzell, if I could help them with Sammy. Sammy is a rescue dog, who had been in the shelter for a while, having pain in his back quarters and difficulties to walk - but also without too much trust into humans. The only one he allowed to touch him without falling into a highly aggressive behaviour, was one of the shelter's employees, who just has an incredible feeling for rescue animals and spend a lot of time to gain his trust. They tried their best & even found a physiotherapist who wanted to help - but Sammy just couldn't allow it.

We agreed that I would come over for acupuncture and we'd just see how it goes, not forcing anything. But honestly: I was pretty scared! I had worked with aggressive animals before, but not with one that managed to bite through a muzzle... this is why you see the tape around it on the pictures, just to keep the humans safe, who wanted to help him. Following my gut feeling, I decided to connect with him via animal communication before the planned acupuncture.

Talking to Sammy helped to gain his trust

Meeting Sammy in the space of Animal Communication, he was highly sceptical, not happy about me trying to contact him and I got a hostile vibe from him. So for a while, I just connected with my own heart and the energies of love and peace. And just held this space. After a while, I felt something shifting and asked him, if he would to talk with me now. He did and so I introduced myself, told him why I was here, about the shelter's idea to help him with acupuncture. I told him that I could try to help him with laser acupuncture, so he wouldn't need to fear needles and in between, left space for him to process, think about my words and share his opinion and wishes with me. At some point I asked him, if he was ok with me coming to acupuncture him or not - luckily he was. He only requested me to let him know when I come, so he could prepare himself.

My ultimate proof wether I am an Animal Communicator or just have a very vivid phantasy

On the day of the acupuncture, I told him, that I am about to come over. Still questioning myself and my abilities to talk to animals, I drove to the shelter and what shall I say...Sammy surprised the shelter's staff member and me completely! He was outside in the yard and as soon as I got out of my car, stood right behind the fence, looking at me, even waving his tail friendly. No barking, no signs of aggression or fear. I actually got the feeling, that he had expected me. Still we were careful when we entered his space and the employee kept a close eye on him to make sure he was ok with what I did. Sammy sat down in front of me and I tried to stay connected as deep as possible with my heart space. I remember that my heart beat quite a bit, when I finally got my laser out and activated the first acupuncture point. You see the result on the picture above - Sammy completely allowed himself to fall on me, totally emerging in the energy of acupuncture. The whole session felt super intense and just magical.

The shelter's staff member and I were astonished and super happy about the result. After a second acupuncture a few days later, Sammy could walk better and seemed to have less pain. He also seemed to slowely find his trust into humans. Unfortunately, I could't help him further, as I went back to Canada. However, Sammy had found enough trust into humans meanwhile that he now allowed the physiotherapist to help him further.

I am very happy that Sammy has meanwhile found a lovely home on a farm. He lives in dog pack between sheep and other animals, leading a livestock guarding dog's happy life. I'll be forever thankful to Sammy, the rescue dog, who opened my eyes, how well animal communication can support any type pf work we do with animals.

Thank you Sammy ❤️