Meditation as a guidance to reconnection

Next to physical-energetical methods like acupuncture, acupressure or herbs, the connection with your own body and nature can be a strong tool to find back into your natural balance. And maintain it.

I am grateful that right when I started to dip my toes into meditation, I was introduced to OSHO®'s "Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind". For years, I have not been kind to my body, treated it as something bad, insulted it and ignored it as good as I could. Meeting it in the space that OSHO® created with his meditative therapy, I suddenly developed a new, kinder, more understanding way to life in and with it. Based on love and understanding instead of hate and mistrust.

Over the many years that have passed since I first made connection, my body has now become a true friend, my safe haven and a source of wisdom, even helping me in my work. Whether I took up Qi Gong, started with Animal Communication or study the Five Spirits - my body is a great teacher and guide in everything I do. You can read more about my connection to meditation here

Animal Communication with a barn owl
Animal Communication with a barn owl
Meditation connects you with nature's wonders
Meditation connects you with nature's wonders

I strongly believe that you and your animal or pet are deeper connected than you might think and you are amongst its biggest daily influences , if not being its biggest. Our inside forms who we are on the outside. Your emotions, your physical and spiritual balance form who you are and how you behave - e.g. influencing how you treat your animal. One example: How do you often talk to your animal or pet? Friendly or calm? Or stressed and impatient? Your animal will sense the emotions and frequency behind your words and catch up on it. In fact, you do not even need to talk or do something with your furry friend in order for him/her to sense what is going on inside you. Especially animals like horses, cats and dogs that evolved with humans over thousands of years read our mind and heart like no one else does. I sometimes feel, like my horse and dog friends know how I feel before I realise it myself.

Thus, they are great guides for us to find and stay in our natural balance. However, they can also decide to share our grief, heart pain, stress or physical problems and develop some themselves. So if you are not sure yet if you want the journey back into a healthy connection with yourself for your own sacke - maybe you want to do it for your animal or pet?

Why should I meditate when I am looking for support for my animal?

Do you know your BodyMind?

Meditating on a beach in New Zealand with it's fire energy
Meditating on a beach in New Zealand with it's fire energy

OSHO®'s "Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind"

Exploring nature through meditation
Exploring nature through meditation
meditate in the forest to deepen your connection
meditate in the forest to deepen your connection

This meditative therapy can be the beginning for you and your body to be friends again. It can help you to develop a different look at physical symptoms, understand your emotions better and see what might be behind a certain dysbalance in your system.

To start the journey, we will meet for 7 days in a row via Zoom for about 60 to 90 minutes daily. OSHO designed it this way to make sure that the connection between you and your body can unfold deep enough to be continued and to be supported by the energy of a group. I will read the words, he gave us, and use the specifically matched music to guide you into your body.
After our week together, you can continue to deepen your relationship with an app provided by the International OSHO foundation.

What you will get:

  • about 10 hours of guidance to connect with your body and become friends with it

  • you will start the journey into your inner depths in group of likeminded animal owners, having the opportunity to discuss your topics in a group or private spaces

  • exchange with the group during the week, we spend together

  • I am available for your questions and to support you in your process

Price: 120 €

Right now, I have a waiting list to get the next round of Talking to your BodyMind started. Please contact me to join it and I will get back to you as soon as I am planning the next round.
At the moment, I am only licensed to host the training in Germany, but am working non a way to host it in English, too.

OSHO®'s "Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind".

OSHO teaches us that our body is a living being that has its own Mind, the BodyMind. You can connect to it and e.g. check in why you are having a headache or if the food you are about to eat is really good for your body or not. From my perspective, OSHO gave a us a wonderful possibility, to connect to what other ancient traditions all knew about: the wisdom of our body. Having the Taoist Philosophy and the Wu Shen, the Five spirits, in mind, I would say that the "BodyMind" is reflected in what the Chinese call "Po", your ethereal Body soul. You find more information about the Wu Shen and my personal connection of BodyMind and Po here.

Meditation with your animal and nature

For myself, meditating has proofen to be a deeply transforming tool. Next to my body, meditating in and with nature as well as in the company of animals has given me some beautiful experiences of inner piece and a unique feeling of connection to the web of life. Right now, I am working on some meditations that will be available online to enable you to make similar experiences.

use all senses to explore and feel nature
use all senses to explore and feel nature

Connect with nature through meditation

Coming soon

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