The Magic of Animal Communication:

What Animal Communication can do for you and your beloved animal


Antonia Feldkamp

2/24/20243 min read

Have you ever watched the Native American Boy Yakari talking to his pony Little Thunder?

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved stories in which humans were able to talk to animals, like Yakari in the cartoon series. So I am super happy that more and more humans remember what has been forgotten for too long: that animals have their very own language, that simply goes beyond words. It's a language of energy, intuition, pictures, feelings. It is the language of the heart, which is different and yet similar to the way, we humans talk to each other.

I know that it still transcends the barriers of understanding for a lot of people, though, so if you are kind of fascinated, but also sceptical, please just keep on reading.

Animal Communication has been normal for centuries

Also known as Interspecies Communication, Animal Communication is our modern phase for the ability to communicate with animals telepathically, allowing us to better understand their thoughts, feelings, behaviour and needs. While this sounds odd for some humans, it is not a new concept. Indigenous Cultures have been talking to animals and other beings like plants ever since. They have remembered the energetically connection, we all have with each other, as well as our ability to use our clairvoyant senses. This way, they have been able to tap into the profound wisdom and guidance animals can offer us.

If you prefer a more rational proof, why and how Animal Communication works, you may look into modern quantum physics with it's laws of energetic connection and energetic exchange, proving that we and everything around us are energetically connected. Some professionals claim that quantum physics give us a scientific proof for telepathic communication. However, not all quantum physicians agree on it, so you gotta draw your on conclusion about it.

My personal proof that my chats with animals are real are simply based on my own experiences. I've often had animals telling me things I could not have known or guessed. E.g. one horse told me that he loves the owner's daughter & feels very connected with her - which I had no idea about, as I did not know my client's family and the daughter had not been mentioned by her mother prior to the communication.

What can Animal Communication do for you?

Basically, me talking to your Animal can help you to understand it better. Which can be beneficial during every day situations like training or its role within your family. You can ask simple questions like:

  • Do you ask like your food?

  • Are you happy to go on the walks within our dog group?

  • Why do you fight against the rains, aids, etc. during our riding lessons?

  • Do you miss anything in our life together?

  • Do you prefer a red or a green blanket?

  • Are you happy in your herd/stable?

However, you may also use the bridge, I offer you as an Animal Communicator, to get information about more complex questions like

  • Why do you bark all the time?

  • Why are you so scared by xy?

  • Do you have pain?

  • Why do you behave like you do?

  • Why have you started to behave so aggressively toward other horses/dogs/me?

What do you want to know from or about your animal or pet?

I personally understand myself talking to your animal as me being the speaking tube for both of you. Really, whatever has been on your mind or whatever kind of questions have been coming up within you can be brought into the space of Animal Communication. Here are some classical examples when Animal Communication can be handy:

  • During times of (chronically) sickness

  • During recovery from a time of physical or emotional struggle (like the loss of a family member)

  • To prepare your animal what is about to happen (e.g. you going on vacation, while he/she will go into a caring facility or to prepare your pet to move into a new home)

  • To help you make decisions for your animal, e.g. whether to move or what type of therapy can be helpful to integrate

  • to support during times of end-of-life-transition

  • your animal shows a behaviour that you struggle with and you want to understand what is going on

  • to contact deceased pets

The most beautiful thing for me personally, Animal Communication can do for you and your animal or pet, though, is that it brings you closer together. Most animals highly appreciate it that their humans go the extra mile to ask me to talk to them. Most of my clients also seem to gain more confident about understanding their animal themselves after I talked to their animal - which I think is a wonderful thing, as in a perfect world I would not be needed to translate. But you could understand your animal well enough yourself.