Why New Shen Reconnection?

Find out why I chose the name New Shen Reconnection.


1/20/20243 min read

New Shen Reconnection

To be honest the name just came to me in the middle of the night.

I had been thinking about renaming my business for months back then, as I had simply outgrown my former name "Antonia's Animal Acupuncture". I knew, that I wanted it to reflect our connection to the Tao, to the universe. I wanted it to reflect the connection of us humans with animals, the depths of earth and the spiritual world of the heavens. However, nothing I had had in mind so far really spoke to me.

Dropping into stillness

Until I attended my first training with Lorie and Benjamin from A New Possibility. We spend two days diving into to the mysteries of Kunlun Mountain, the Wu Shen, the Spirits of the Five Phases, including very intensive meditations. Have you ever felt this amazingly deep and powerful peace of connection with yourself and the whole universe? That's the space, Lorie and the Spirits brought me into. Somewhen during the night between both days, I simply woke up and knew "New Shen" - that's it. I remember how blessed and happy I felt - and went back to spleep.

The next morning, I got my sketch book out and drafted the logo I had had in mind for a while. Following my gut, I found myself adding the word "reconnection". Looking at my second draft, I just felt that I had my new business name.

What does the name mean to me?

"Shen" is one of the Five Spirits about which the Chinese say, that they live in your as well as your animal's body. You can look at them as a map, helping you to navigate through your psyche and emotions. Shen as the emperor/empress of those spirits resides in your heart. It connects you to the spiritual level of being, to the spiritual world as well as to your emotions and all other spirits. It rules them and thus plays a major role for the well being of your animal and yourself. Most animals, I have met, have a very clear connection to their Shen, to their universal existence and spiritual level - and to the spiritual topics of you as their human friend, too. Also, the love you feel for and receive from an animal or pet can help you to open up your heart and feel what goes on inside it - which makes them gorgeous supporters to connect to your Shen.

Thinking about what "New Shen Reconnection" means to me, I realised that the name simply is a perfect reflection of what I do all day: I study and draw from old traditions, remembering that at one point in time, healing has been more for us and our animals, than just taking care of one single physical or emotional symptom. Until not too long ago, the soul has played an evenly important part than the physical body to bring a being back into its natural balance. However, our modern world with all its supportive technologies definitely offers us a lot of wonderful possibilities, too. So "New Shen" doesn't stand for a new type of Spirit, or calls on the believe that hundreds of years ago, we lived in a better world. New Shen stands for a renewing reconnection of teachings of old, to what the Five Spirits, nature and animals can hold for us. And its connection with modern knowledge and technology - e.g. me using an acupuncture laser to activate an acupuncture point. New Shen Reconnection is all about a deepening and honest connection with yourself, your animal/pet and the universe.

I want to bring those teachings back into your modern consciousness. I personally think that being accompanied by your animal on this journey is one of the bests things that can happen, as animals are amongst the wisest teachers I personally have met.