Combining TCM for Animals with Animal Communication

Here at New Shen, I offer the unique opportunity to connect the Know-How of Chinese Medicine, Taoist Philosophy and Animal Communication.

The knowledge I gain studying psycho-somatic acupuncture helps me to understand and support your animal when I am connected with him/her in the space of Animal Communication. Same applies the other way around: when I am there to do acupuncture or acupressure, I have the ability to listen and exchange with your animal on a deep level, which can e.g. help an animal to gain trust into me and to find an easier access to his or her psycho-emotional topics.

While I do not offer Kinesiology sessions, I often use it during my work, e.g. to find the most matching herbal mixture or to see what your animal means during an Animal Communication.

Tui Na Massage for Horses including Horse Acupressure
Tui Na Massage for Horses including Horse Acupressure
TCM herbal teas with western herbs like yarrow
TCM herbal teas with western herbs like yarrow

If you are interested in a coaching session or are looking for a teacher, please just explore my website and my Instagram. Here is where I share some of my experiences, thoughts and knowledge, so you get a picture what I have to offer. My passion is to talk about the Wu Shen, the Five Spirits, helping us to navigate through our inner landscape and the psycho-emotional, spiritual aspect of Chinese Medicine. However, I am also happy to share about Chinese Nutrition for animals, herbs or TCM in general.

Thus, I know I am not everyone's teacher, which is why you are welcome to contact me for a free, non-binding first contact, so we can find out if we want to work together.

I truly believe that the best, we can do for our animals, is to work together to make their life as beautiful as possible. Like in many holistic traditions, the Chinese believe that Yang Sheng, the way we live our life, has the most impact on our physical, emotional and psychic balance. Same applies for our animals.

Let's say your dog has an imbalance in its liver showing as the tendency to react aggressive. Of course, acupuncture and herbs can be one part of the puzzle to bring him/her back into balance. However, if the real source of the behaviour e.g. lies in a lack of relaxation, because your dog lacks a place in your home where he/she can withdraw to when needed, or him/her requiring you to take the leading position in the pack, it's just gonna be a small drop on a hot stone.

This is why I personally think that everyone in your animal's team plays an important role from his/her vet to the trainer or farrier. Often, what helps my clients most is not automatically a regular treatment by a therapist, but changes made in his/her everyday life. And yes, this can involve me actually making suggestions for you yourself, too.

Yang Sheng - taking care of your (animal's) life

Sharing what I love

At one glance

I work with...

Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chinese Herbal Mixtures (Chinese or Western Herbs), Chinese Nutrition for animals, specialised to support with psycho-somatic topics.

Please note that for legal reasons, I am only allowed to offer Acupuncture in Germany ans Switzerland.

Animal Communication Sessions in order to support your animal on the soul level, to reconnect you two and to help you understand each other better.

Meditation Techniques to help you connect with your body and your inner microcosmos. In order to be a more balanced human with and for your animal.

TCM Coaching and teaching, because I believe that the world needs as many humans as possible, to connect the old traditions with our modern consciousness.

TCM acupuncture on dog with laser
TCM acupuncture on dog with laser
TCM Acupuncture for Horses with Acupuncture needle
TCM Acupuncture for Horses with Acupuncture needle
carrots for horses and dogs in TCM nutrition
carrots for horses and dogs in TCM nutrition


As I myself spend so much time to find the right place to buy a book, tea, nutritional supplements or courses, I decided to share some of "my" resources with you. You can also find recommended resources on my blog.

Some of those contain affiliated links (means that if you purchase the product following the link from my website, you support me monetarily as I receive a bonus (without any further costs for you). Affiliated links are marked with a *)

Vitalpilze für TiereVitalpilze für Tiere

Vera is one of my TCVM teachers and provides supplements, healing mushrooms and more for animals and owners in her shop. You can contact her to ask for advice if you are unsure what to buy & she offers a partner program for TC(V)M Practitioners.

Martina is one of my TCVM teachers and provides high quality supplements for animals. TCM Mixtures are e.g. available as Globuli (homeopathic remedies).

Healthy animal nutrition
Healthy animal nutrition

MycoVital provides you with high quality mushroom powders sand capsules. They also offer trainings for Animal Therapists how to incorporate them into your work.




The team of this pharmacy is very experienced with TCM Herbal Mixtures and offers a wide range of Chinese teas and nutritional supplements as well as advice for what to purchase.

Mareike offers a wide variety of courses around animal balance, mainly around TCM and Osteopathy. She constantly offers new online courses in her Medial Library including some from me & anatomic insights into a horse's body. We will eventually offer courses in English, too.

Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing
Lorie Eve Dechar

The Alchemy of Inner Work
Lorie Eve Dechar

The Way of the Five Elements
John Kirkwood
(available as an eBook e.g. via Apple Books)

Den Geist Verwurzeln (Band I - IV)
Josef Viktor Müller

Meridiane. Landkarten der Seele
Mike Mandl
(available as an eBook e.g. via Apple Books)



Teas and Supplements

Riding through IT
In this book I share how one of my horse friends help me to grow
(available on Amazon)

Basic Training on Animal Communication
Penelope Smith
(available e.g. via Apple Books)

Learning their language
Marta Williams
(available e.g. via Apple Books)

Wu Shen as a map of your animal's psyche
Wu Shen as a map of your animal's psyche

Clinical Materia Medica
Jeremy Ross

Last but not least I started my Blog to provide you with free knowledge and resources, because I truly believe that the Wu Shen and the Way of the TAO should be incorporated by as many people as possible into whatever they do.

Contact Me