Holistic animal wellbeing with psychosomatic knowledge from Chinese Medicine

I started off as an acupuncturist and herbalist, practising Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. While I loved to see how effectively TCM can help with physical imbalances like digestive issues or pain, I always missed something. Back then, I didn't really know what it was, but the more my understanding of Chinese Medicine grew, the closer I came to the answer.

Finally, I learned that TCM actually isn't as traditional as most of us think. During the cultural revolution in China, one big part has been cut out as it didn't fit into modern society anymore: the spiritual, psycho-emotional, psychosomatic part with its archetypes and the Wu Shen, the Spirits of the Five Elements, rooted in Taoism.

This was exactly the piece of my personal Chinese Medicine puzzle I had been missing.

Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Horses
Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Horses
Hawthorn used in Western and Eastern Medicine
Hawthorn used in Western and Eastern Medicine

My personal belief is that incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Taoist teachings about the psyche can enhance and deepen the effects of TCM Acupuncture, herbal support and nutritional adaptions. Ever since I started to work with the Five Spirits in acupuncture and herbal support, I see the most beautiful results in my clients. Especially "difficult" horses and dogs, who have been struggling with emotional issues for quite a long time and for whom nothing, their human has tried, seemed to effectively help, often show wonderful reactions supporting their whole treatment.

Thus, I believe that calling in the connection to the Five Spirits and consciously working on the spiritual, emotional or psychic level, can be a game changer. Not only for acupuncture, but also for necessary physiotherapy, veterinary therapy, to reach training goals, etc.. To make it short: It can be a great addition to any kind of treatment(s) your animal or pet receives.

Using a symbolic map of your and your animal's psyche and nervous system

Please note, that for legal reasons, I am not allowed to perform acupuncture in Canada. Please refer to a respectively trained veterinarian.

Because I live in more than one spot, I am a travelling acupuncturist and acupuncture your animal/pet in its home. Travel costs are included in all prices 25 KM around Öhningen (Germany) and Weinfelden (Switzerland), as those are my locations when I am in Europe. If you are further away, I charge 0,50€ per additional kilometre. Travel costs might reduce or cease if there is more than one client at your stable/house. Please just contact me for further information.

Of course, all prices include my availability for further questions regarding your animal after the acupuncture. During the session, we will also look into further support with acupressure, training, herbs and nutrition.

Moxa Cigar treatment on a horse according to TCM Acupuncture
Moxa Cigar treatment on a horse according to TCM Acupuncture

Chinese Acupuncture for animals and pets

Traditional Chinese and Five Element Acupuncture for horses
Traditional Chinese and Five Element Acupuncture for horses
Traditional Chinese and Five Element Acupuncture for dogs
Traditional Chinese and Five Element Acupuncture for dogs

When I meet you and your horse, dog, cat, etc. for the first time, my main priority is to allow all of us to get to know each other. I will ask you a couple questions which, in addition to a energetical and physical examination, allow me to find the root of the dysbalance. Based on that, I chose my method of acupuncture as well as the points.
Because this takes some time and because I am a stranger for your animal, the first session takes longer than further ones - basically, your animal dictates the speed.

  • Duration about 90 minutes

  • Price: 120 €

Starting Connection

Acupuncture itself has been practised for about 5.000 years on humans and about 2.000 years on animals. War horses and cattle were the first animals who were acupunctured, as those animals were very valuable. Those millennia have proofed acupuncture to be helpful with several imbalances from digestive problems over pain and lameness to behavioural issues.

Shortly said, acupuncture is a method to activate certain acupuncture points in the energetically body of your animal. From there it can unfold its effects on the physical, emotional or psychic level. I use special acupuncture needles, moxa cigars, Flower Essences, Essential Oils or a special acupuncture laser to tap into your animal's meridian system. The laser is explicitly made for Veterinary Acupuncture and also allows me to include Low-Level-Laser-Theraphy, which can e.g. be beneficial with wound healing, cramping muscles or inflamed tendons.

Packages and Prices

Continuing Connection

Look at one acupuncture treatment as a gateway to a path of rebalancing for your animal. Most of the times, more than one acupuncture session is advisable. We will discuss the further procedure in the first session.

  • Duration about 60 minutes

  • price: 90 €

Starting Connection Deep Dive

Your animal or pet is really difficult around new people, doesn't want to be touched, shows aggressive behaviour or simply has been through a lot of treatments, now disliking vets and therapists?
Then this could be your package. It basically contains the same than "Starting Connection". However, before the acupuncture, I talk to your animal via Animal Communication, so it can share fears, thoughts and his opinion in a safe space without pressure. Read about my teacher Sammy how well combining Animal Communication and Acupuncture can work.

  • Duration Animal Communication about 60 minutes

  • Duration Acupuncture about 90 minutes

  • Price: 190 €

You will receive a written documentation of the communication and have the opportunity to decide against the acupuncture, should you not feel it after the exchange any more. In this case, I will charge 95 € for the communication, only. Please note that I cannot take any questions into this talk, that are not related to the acupuncture session as the goal is to give your animal the space it needs to enable the acupuncture. If you have specific questions, please book an Animal Communication package.

Laser Acupuncture and Low Level-Laser-Therapy for Horses
Laser Acupuncture and Low Level-Laser-Therapy for Horses

If you have any questions about an acupuncture for your animal before your booking, please feel free to reach out to me.

Chinese Acupressure for Animals and pets

Acupressure is a soft and easy way to work with the Channels and can have comparable effects than acupuncture. Combined with any other therapies, it can be a great method for you to support your animal e.g. during a longer period of healing. Knowing some Acupressure can be useful in certain situations, e.g. if your horse has trouble focusing during training or your dog gets nervous in your car. Your animal will likely also just love it to be pet more focused, as you can incorporate acupressure and massages effortless info your cuddle times.

Acupressure connects you with your dog
Acupressure connects you with your dog
Acupressure according to TCM on a horse
Acupressure according to TCM on a horse

Connecting Acupressure individual

You want to learn how to support your animal with acupressure and massages based on his individual constitution and topics?
I'll come to you and your animal, ask you some questions and examine it. Based on this, I set up an individual acupressure and massage plan and show you the matching acupressure technique - no worries, they are all simple. We practise until you feel safe to do the acupressure yourself.

  • Duration about 60 minutes

  • prices: 90 €

Connecting Acupressure Workshops

You have a group of people who want to learn some acupressure techniques for their animals?
I am happy to host an acupressure workshop at your stable, dog training facility, etc. Please just let me know how many animals and humans will be part of the group, where you are located and what you want to learn during the workshop. I will be in touch for an individual offer.

Here's what my clients say

"My gelding had so much more energy after the last acupuncture. He moved really wonderful. I'd love to book a further appointment."

Ulli, Horsemom

"Abby's care takers said she was doing just great at the weekend, being relatively light-footed and she hunts lass after flies or similar things. All in all very positive❣️"

Tabitha, Dogmom & animal caretaker

"The smith asked me what I have done with my Frisian Mares hooves. They are so much better than they used to be and her thrush is gone completely now. Just amazing what our adjustments have done for her."

Alexandra, Horsemom

Contact Me